Sunday, July 4, 2010

H is for Hazelnut--Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes with Chocolate Hazelnut Buttercream

Today's cupcake is all about Hazelnut's and their best friend chocolate. Can I just say that whoever invented Nutella is a genius?! Chocolate and hazelnut just compliment each other fabulously. Both the cupcakes and the buttercream frosting have Nutella in them. Of all of the nuts we use in baking, I have to say hazelnuts are my favorite.

These cupcakes remind me of Donatella Gelato! They are almost brownie-like, except lighter. I finished them off with chopped hazelnuts. Yum-Yum!

I am so thrilled to say that I have received my first official cupcake order! I am so excited. Brett is almost finished with my website and we are in the process of applying for our home business license. I am so touched and thankful for everyone's support! 

Thank you everyone for reading!

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